Stem cells therapies to treat Parkinson.s disease 2
Adults stem cell can be isolated from bone marrow, the liver, muscle, the brain, fat and other tissues. These cell can provide fewer different types od differentiated cells. Though so far stem cells have not cure any condition, doctors have successfully used them in blood and marrow transplants for more than thirty years. These transplants are used in the treatments of leukaemai and lymphoma to sustain life after chemotherapy and radition.
Experimentally they are used to replaced a defective immune systems in some inherited immune disorders, and to replace an immune system turned against itself, such as in some autoimmune disorders.
In future stem cells might be used to replace disease cells. If stem cells could be directed differentiate into specific cell types, they could treat Parkinson's disease, spinal cords injuries, burns, Alzheimer's arthritis, disorders of bone development and other conditions.
Labels: Parkinson's Disease