symptoms of parkinsons disease

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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Parkinson disease affects the movement of the body

Parkinson disease affects the movement of the body and the symptom always begins on one side of our body and later it will affect the other side of our body. It is a degenerative disorder of the central of our nervous which occur when our nerve cells in area of our brain known as subtantia nigra die or become impaired. Parkinson disease most people preffer as old age disease as it always begins around the age of sixty and its affect men more than women.

The symptoms of parkinson disease include disorders of mood, behavior, thinking, and sensation. Other symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease are Shaking (muscle tremor), it is mostly the first symptons Parkinson's disease. Poor balance due to the impairment or loss of the reflexes that adjust posture in order to maintain balance. Parkinson's disease patient needs daily exercises, good food nutrition and medication. Medication can help patients manage walking problem. It is advisabe not to leave the patients alone most of the time as it needs support. It is encourage to joint support groups service where most of the PD patients and peoples to help with the daily exercises.
