symptoms of parkinsons disease

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The symptoms of Parkinson disease are first to be notice are tremor

The symptoms of Parkinson disease vary from each individual person and the stages that the patients experience. Parkinson diseases is a movement disorder cause by the shortage chemical transmitter in the brain. This cause by the loss of brain cell that produce a chemical called dopamine which result in passing messages from our brain to the muscles. People who are above sixty years of age are prone to the disease but the percentage is not very high. Parkinson disease are said to be inherited from family members. Others causes of Parkinson is the toxins in the environment that we are living in.

The symptoms of Parkinson disease are first to be notice are tremor in our hands, arms, legs or even heads. it will start in one side and later moved to both sides of the body. You will find movement very hard when you want to get up from your chair or moving to another side of the beds because your affected body ,arms and leg find it hard to move. others main symptoms are finding problems with balancing or walking, having stiff muscles and find movement very slow.

The doctor will diagnosed by asking you with question about your family history and the symptoms you are experience at the present. The doctor then will watch your movement and check your muscles strength and reflexes and also check your vision. The doctor will described a kinds of medicine for you to take with could control the symptoms and make the diseases to live with. The medicine most used are called Levodopa as is the best drug of controlling symptoms of Parkinson disease.
