Parkison's disease are associated with old age people
Parkison's disease are associated with old age people and are said that this disease are brought down from relatives who had parkinsonian symptoms, it is suggested that a genetic factor may be involved. Parkinson's disease as most people refer as movement disorder. As peoples with this parkison's disease find themselves having trouble in walking and hand are very shaky. At present there is no cure for parkinson's disease patients and only drugs are used to control parkinson's disease.
The cause of parkinson's disease are old age, genetic factors,staying in a toxins enviroment, Trauma and carbon monoxide poisoning. The common symptoms and signs of parkinsons disease are having emotional and depression chandes. finding oneselves hard in swallowing, chewing and speaking. Others common causes are having urinary problems, Trembling of hands, legs and jaws. Having skin and sleep problems. Besides drug used to control parkinson's disease a kind of nutrition has been used in clinical study. This is widely used by parkinson patients to slow down its deterioration or partially treatment. Physical therapy can help strengthen and tone underused muscles, and give rigid muscles a better range of motion.